About 'Battle Action' Issue 1
Next week sees the return of 'Battle Action' to shelves, as Garth Ennis and Keith Burns return for a ten-part story featuring aerial ace, 'Johnny Red!' But Johnny's time as a fighter pilot in the War is coming to a close, as the end of the war sees him reflecting on how he came to spend the last three and a half years of his life in combat. So many of his friends never came home - will this be Johnny's last flight, too?
Then, Brian K. Vaughan and Chris Burnham join Battle Action for a guest feature, bringing the hugely controversial 'Kids Rule OK' back to the comics page. Set in a world where every adult dies of a mystery disease and their chaotic kids take over the world, this is almost certainly going to be the most shocking story you read all year.
Two epic stories combined into one incredible war-torn comic book.