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The Seasons Have Teeth #1 Review (BOOM! Studios)

The Seasons Have Teeth

About The Seasons Have Teeth #1:

Writer: Dan Watters Artist: Sebastián Cabrol

Colorist: Dan Jackson

Letterer: Nate Piekos

Publisher: BOOM! Studios

Cover Artists: Sebastián Fiumara, Duncan Fegredo, David Mack, David Benzal and Joseph Schmalke.


Andrew, a retired conflict photographer, lives a life steeped in regret, pain, and sorrow. When the seasons arrive–each one embodied as powerful god-like creatures–everything for Andrew begins to change. As he risks everything to track down Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, he can’t help but hope that capturing the perfect picture of each will help him find his redemption…and maybe–just maybe–bring color back to his world.

The Seasons Have Teeth #1 - Front Cover
The Seasons Have Teeth #1 - Front Cover

The Seasons Have Teeth #1 Review:

With climate change a looming force to be reckoned with I’m finding myself acclimating towards comic books (and literature) that take a fierce stance on anti-capitalist and pro-environmental views. This could be due to the frustration I’m suffering as an elder millennial and the numerous failures world governments are making on a regular basis. Or, it could be the fact that I live in a country that continues to make mistakes with its contribution to fossil fuels in our own economy.

Not to mention its complicity in exporting fossil fuels the world over. Regardless of the reasons, I find a leftist approach to an overtly post-industrial technological society on the brink of becoming a fascist cyberpunk-like world to be rather refreshing. As we learn in the first issue of The Seasons Have Teeth.

The initial few pages introduce us to this world where the change of seasons are to be feared. So feared that it is resulting in a mass evacuation of the town that semi-retired photo-journalist Andrew calls home. As Andrew is on the phone with his friend and editor, he muses over the local townsfolk evacuating as the change of season seems to be on its way through. A change that is sure to bring destruction in its wake.

The Seasons Have Teeth #1 Page 4
The Seasons Have Teeth #1 Page 4

With the citizens in his town freshly evacuated, Andrew ventures out to take shots of the season taking over with fauna taking over and squeezing the life out of buildings and old roads in a very Triffid-like example of world domination. As he continues to take photos of old building being left in ruin as the fauna destroys what’s left of them he comes across an old gazebo that his now deceased wife and he first made love. He daydreams this exact event which is then interrupted by some present day kids who are now playing by the gazebo when they should’ve been evacuated. He urges them to flee only to have the gazebo collapse on top of him.

Struggling to crawl out of the rumble, Andrew surfaces to a world that seems forever changed by the season that has turned it forever green. With a startling revelation that a god-like behemoth representing the change of season in the form of a gigantic kaiju-sized beast has arrived and is as inquisitive about Andrew as he is about it.

Whether the designs of this creature are directed purely by series writer Dan Watters or Sebastián Cabrol, or even if it’s a collaborative effort, is anyone’s guess. But the god-like creature made up of sinew like tree muscles and it’s face covered by a giant cow skull, bodes well for a leftist analysis on the change of seasons which seems to have more in common with paganism than it does a fresh bastardry of gobbledygook comic book science.

The Seasons Have Teeth #1 has thematically borrowed from the nature vs science debate as much as it has a variety of intellectual properties we’ve come to admire over the years. The idea that nature itself can be its own monstrous force is heavily explored by Dan Watters and thanks to the combined talents of Sebastián Cabrol and Dan Jackson we’re dropped off right in the middle of a post-apocalyptic evolution.

Shades of films like The Happening and Annihilation can be felt from page to page. But it’s the humanistic tie-in of protagonist Andrew who also acts as the audience surrogate which is insanely brilliant in its own right. There’s Kaiju of a different flavor in this comic book and it brings about a reckoning on humankind as a whole - shot by painfully photographed shot.

What themes did you pick up on after reading this comic book?

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The Seasons Have Teeth #1 Page 6
The Seasons Have Teeth #1 Page 6

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