On again off again Nu-metal band who coined the Brr Brr Deng meme, Mudvayne, are up in arms over a recent appearance of their step-sister SZA on YouTube show Hot Ones. Appearing in their bug-eyed alien prosthetics from 2002’s, “The End of All Things to Come,” Mudvayne left a video statement:
“She’s No Sister of ours! We’ve been repping this look for years and for her to steal the bug eyed alien look. Passing herself off as if she’s related to us? That’s just not on. It’s going to confuse our fans and make them feel like she’s going for the same vibe. The Seinfeld slap bass Slipknot style is ours and ours alone. It’s bullshit! She needs to back off and make room for us on that spicy bird show.”
After this outlet explained to the band that she is merely wearing a prosthetic for promotion as are they, it only escalated things further. It seems all the body paint the band has incorporated into the look has begun effecting them a bit too much of late.
We reached out to American singer, SZA, full name spelt S C I S S O R, to see if she was aware of this allleged beef that Mudvayne have with her. There was no response from her or her team.
Mudvayne have issued the below follow up statement:
“Sean Evans! You’re on our list!”
More to come.